Friday, March 16, 2018

Ideas for Consent Poster

Before anyone agrees on sexual activity, there needs to be consent. It’s all about communication. This doesn’t have to be verbal, but if it is, it can help respect one another’s boundaries. No means no, and that’s final. Positive consent could simply be shown by asking, “is this okay?” In order to know you’re comfortable, give the other person physical cues so you can both be on the same page. This topic is confusing at times, but should be understood clearly and taken very seriously.
  1. What’s your love language?
  2. Lets taco bout consent.
  3. Is this consent?

  1. How to express consent.
  2. The ingredients to consent.
  3. Signs to look for when consent is being given.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Karen - when creating the blog post for this, make sure to make this as a blog post, and add headers / headlines, subheads / subheader, and body copy. Have a header that is more powerful and direct. "what's your love language" sounds almost cute, and perhaps that header isn't fitting for this topic. UNLESS... you tie the subhead into the header. such as"what's your love language..." and the subhead could be "CONSENT"
